Chapter-26: Soaps and detergents

       JS 125: 1985        

Synthetic liquid detergents

Details requirements for synthetic liquid detergents intended for general laundering and dishwashing purposes. Includes classification and sampling procedures. 

ISBN 976-604-036-2

       JS 126: 2013

Methods of test for soaps and detergents

Prescribes the methods of test for some requirements for laundry detergent powder, synthetic liquid detergents and bar soaps.

 ISBN 978-976-604-535-7 

     JS 184: 1989

Bar soaps: toilet and laundry

Prescribes detailed requirements and methods of sampling and analyses for toilet and laundry bar soaps, in order to provide guidance for the manufacture of soap to ensure consumer protection.

ISBN 976-604-108-3

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