Chapter- 20: PACKAGING |
JS 196: 1991
Evaluation of double seams of metal containers Describes double seams and the techniques used in their measurement and evaluation. Gives general information on setting up and operating procedures of double seaming machines. ISBN 976-604-123-7 |
JS 209: 1993 |
Glossary of terms for metal containers Defines the terms commonly used in metal packaging for both aerosol and non-aerosol containers. It is intended to be used as a basic reference dictionary for manufacturers, traders and consumers. ISBN 976-604-141-5 |
JS 210: 1992 |
Method of test for leakage of metal containers for food and drink by pressure testing Prescribes a method of test which employs the principle of the application of a known air pressure differential to an opened, clean and dry metal can, for the detection of leaks by the emersion of air bubbles. ISBN 976-604-137-7 |
JS 212: 1999
Hermetically sealed metal cans for food and drink - terms, designations and test methods Defines terms, specifies methods for the determination of nominal dimensions and capacity, and recommends designation of hermetically sealed metal cans for food and drink. ISBN 976-604-342-6 |
JS 272: 1999 |
Method of sampling for metal containers Provides assistance for the determination of the acceptability of a batch or lot of metal containers through multiple sampling plans, which require a smaller sample size in determination. Guidelines for in-process inspection of metal containers included. ISBN 976-604-283-7 |
JS 279: 2000 |
Performance packagings for the transportation of dangerous goodsContains requirements for packagings based on the United Nation’s Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods. Specifies performance requirements of basic packaging types for packagings intended for handling or transporting dangerous goods. Mandatory. ISBN 976-604-351-5 |
JS 294: 2002
Resuable rubber contraceptive diaphragms – Packaging and labellingSpecifies requirements for the packaging and labelling of reusable rubber contraceptive diaphragms. ISBN 976-604-422-8 |
JS 295: 2002 |
Rubber condoms – Packaging and labelling condoms in consumer packages Specifies requirements for the packaging and labeling of male rubber latex condoms supplied in consumer packages. ISBN 976-604-337-X
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