JS 185: 1989

Qualification and certification of non-destructive testing personnel

Details the requirements for the qualification and certification of all non-destructive testing personnel operating within Jamaica. Establishes specific requirements for, eddy current testing, liquid penetrant testing, magnetic particle testing, radiographic testing and ultrasonic testing. Describes a system also applicable to visual inspection, emission and other NDT methods where national certification programmes exist.

ISBN 976-604-110-5

        JS 204: 1993

Liquid penetrant inspection: general principles

Provides general guidance on methods of carrying out penetrant inspection on materials and components. Does not indicate or suggest standards for the evaluation of the indications obtained. Indications should be interpreted or classified and then evaluated.

ISBN 976-604-150-4

       JS 205: Part 1: 1994

Glossary of terms relating to Non-Destructive Testing  Part 1: Liquid penetrant

Gives definitions for the terms commonly used in liquid penetrant flaw detection.

ISBN 976-604-162-8

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