JS 32 : 2014 |
Portland cement (ordinary and rapid-hardening). Applies to ordinary and rapid-hardening Portland cements and specifies the requirements for chemical properties, physical properties, sampling, labelling and packaging. Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-617-0
JS 33: 2014 |
Hot rolled steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete Specifies requirements for deformed and plain billet-steel bars, in cut lengths or coils, for concrete reinforcement. Bars are of two minimum yield levels, namely, 300 MPa and 400 MPa designated as Grade 300 and Grade 400 respectively. The weldability requirements for the Grade 300 bars and Grade 400 bars are specified. Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-622-4.
JS 35: 2011 |
Standard hollow concrete blocks Applies to hollow pre-cast concrete blocks made from a mixture of Portland cement, water and suitable aggregates, and intended for the use in load bearing masonry walls of buildings Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-487-9 |
JS 39: 1975*
PVC plastic pipe [SDR-PR] and schedules 40, 80 and 120 Specifies general and detailed requirements for PVC pipes made in standard thermoplastic pipe dimension ratios, as well as schedules 40, 80 and 120 sizes, and pressure-rated for water. |
JS 39: Part 2: 1987*
PVC plastic pipe SDR-PR. Part 2: Metric Provides criteria for classifying PVC plastic pipes, a system of nomenclature for PVC plastic pipe, and requirements and methods of test for material, workman-ship, dimensions, pressure rating, burst pressure, flattening, chemical resistance and extrusion quality. Also gives method of marking and practices for indicating compliance with this standard. ISBN 976-604-077-X |
JS 50: 1977*
Concrete and terrazzo flooring tiles Applies to the manufacturing of plain or coloured concrete and terrazzo flooring and skirting tiles which have been mechanically and hydraulically pressed, and having smooth wearing surfaces. Read in conjunction with JS 32. Amendment slip No. 1, 1983 issued. |
JS 72: 1986
Flush wooden doors Applies to three types of flush wooden doors suitable for exterior or interior use and specifies requirements for the mass production of such doors in four categories. ISBN 976-604-053-2 |
JS 86: 1984 |
Prepared stone and gravel ballast Details general characteristics and physical properties of mineral aggregates for prepared ballast. Specifies methods of sampling, testing, inspecting and handling, and sets out in tabular form the method of grading. ISBN 976-604-024-9 |
JS 112: Part 1: 2016 |
Methods for sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sands and fillers. Part 1: Sampling of aggregates Specifies methods for obtaining samples of coarse and fine aggregates for tests specified in this and other Jamaican Standards, for purposes such as research, production control, assessment of variation and acceptance or rejection of the materials. Test methods are also specified for the determination of the properties of size and shape of mineral aggregates including clay, silt and dust. An aggregate classification is given to allow identification of samples by petrographical examination. Mandatory. ISBN 987-976-604-682-8 |
JS 112: Part 2: 2016 |
Methods for sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sands and fillers. Part 2: Reducing samples of aggregates to testing size 1.1 Covers three methods for the reduction of large samples of aggregate to the appropriate size for testing employing techniques that are intended to minimize variations in measured characteristics between the test samples so selected and the large sample. 1.2 The values stated in this standard are SI units. 1.3 This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-683-5 |
JS 112: Part 3: 2017
Methods for sampling and testing of Mineral aggregates, sands and fillers –Part 3: Description and classification This Jamaican Standard specifies a basic procedure for the petrographic examination of aggregates for the purposes of general classification. Such an examination is required to classify the constituent materials of the sample, to determine the relative amounts of each constituent material, to assess the degree of weathering and to provide a gauge of the shape and size of the constituent materials. This standard is applicable to natural and artificial aggregates. In cases where a more comprehensive description is required ASTM C295 is recommended. ISBN 978-976-604-835-8 |
JS 112: Part 4: 2016 |
Methods for sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sands and fillers. Part 4: Determination of particle size distribution 1.1 Specifies a method, using test sieves, for the determination of the particle size distribution of fine and coarse aggregates. It applies to aggregates of natural or artificial origin including lightweight aggregates up to 63 mm nominal size, but excluding filler.
1.2 Some specifications for aggregates which reference this test method contain grading requirements including both coarse and fine fractions. Instructions are included for sieve analysis of such aggregates. Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-684-2
JS 112: Part 6: 2017
Methods for sampling and testing of mineral aggregates, sands and fillers — Part 6: Clay lumps and friable particles This test method covers the approximate determination of clay lumps and friable particles in aggregates. ISBN 978-976-604-726-9
JS 112: part 7: 2017 |
Methods for Sampling and testing of Mineral aggregates, sands and fillers — Part 7: Total evaporable moisture content of aggregate by drying This test method covers the determination of the percentage of evaporable moisture in a sample of aggregate by drying both surface moisture and moisture in the pores of the aggregate. Some aggregate may contain water that is chemically combined with the minerals in the aggregate. Such water is not evaporable and is not included in the percentage determined by this test method ISBN 978-976-604-727-6 |
JS 112: Part 8: 2018
Methods for Sampling and testing of Mineral aggregates, sands and fillers — Part 8: Soundness of aggregate This test method covers the testing of aggregates to estimate their soundness when subjected to weathering action in concrete or other applications. This is accomplished by repeated immersion in saturated solutions of sodium or magnesium sulfate followed by oven drying to partially or completely dehydrate the salt precipitated in permeable pore spaces. The internal expansive force, derived from the rehydration of the salt upon re-immersion, simulates the expansion of water on freezing. This test method furnishes information helpful in judging the soundness of aggregates when adequate information is not available from service records of the material exposed to actual weathering conditions. ISBN 978-976-604-794-8 |
JS 112: Part 9: 2018
Methods for Sampling and testing of Mineral aggregates, sands and fillers — Part 9: Relative density and absorption Methods for Sampling and testing of Mineral aggregates, sands and fillers This test method covers the determination of relative density (specific gravity) and the absorption of coarse aggregates. The relative density (specific gravity), a dimensionless quantity, is expressed as oven-dry (OD), saturated-surface-dry (SSD), or as apparent relative density (apparent specific gravity). The OD relative density is determined after drying the aggregate. The SSD relative density and absorption are determined after soaking the aggregate in water for a prescribed duration. ISBN 978-976-604-795-5 |
JS 112: Part 10: 2018
Jamaican Standard Methods for Sampling and testing of Mineral aggregates, sands and fillers — Part 10: Bulk density This test method covers the determination of bulk density (“unit weight”) of aggregate in a compacted or loose condition, and calculated voids between particles in fine, coarse, or mixed aggregates based on the same determination. This test method is applicable to aggregates not exceeding 125 mm [5 in.] in nominal maximum size. ISBN 978-976-604-796-2 |
JS 112: Part 11: 2018
Methods for Sampling and testing of Mineral aggregates, sands and fillers — Part 11: Sand equivalent This test method is intended to serve as a rapid field- correlation test. The purpose of this test method is to indicate, under standard conditions, the relative proportions of clay-size or plastic fines and dust in granular soils and fine aggregates that pass the 4.75-mm (No. 4) sieve. The term “sand equivalent” expresses the concept that most granular soils and some fine aggregates are mixtures of desirable coarse particles, sand-size particles, and generally undesirable clay or plastic fines and dust. ISBN 978-976-604-794-8 |
JS 112: Part 12: 2018
Methods for Sampling and testing of Mineral aggregates, sands and fillers — Part 12: Liquid and plastic limits These test methods cover the determination of the liquid limit, plastic limit, and the plasticity index of soils as defined in Section 3 on Terminology. ISBN 978-976-604-798-6 |
JS 124: 2000 |
Aggregates for concrete Provides guidelines for the aggregates industry in producing suitable aggregate for concrete. Applies to naturally occurring sand, gravel and stone, crushed or uncrushed, intended for use in the production of concrete for normal constructional purposes and does not apply to material having a specific gravity less than 2.3 in its dry state. Mandatory. ISBN 976-604-386-8 |
JS 133: 2015 |
Ready-mixed concrete Specifies the conditions under which ready-mixed concrete shall be made and delivered, and the methods by which the purchaser can specify with his enquiry or order, the properties, of the concrete required. It provides a specification for the production and supply of ready-mixed concrete. The standard addressed methods of specifying ready-mixed concrete for nominal mixes and specified strength mixes for special purposes, to meet the requirements of Jamaican National Building Codes. The standard also gives guidance on the data to be provided by the purchaser when ordering ready-mixed concrete, the inspection facilities to be provided by the supplier and on the appropriate tests. The routine tests which must be carried out by the supplier and those which are the responsibility of the purchaser are also included. This standard does not cover the placing, compaction, curing or protection of the concrete after delivery, nor is it to apply to the materials for lean concrete or similar road base materials Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-652-1
JS 146: 1987 |
Concrete roofing tilesSpecifies general and detailed requirements for the manufacture of concrete roofing tiles and fittings. ISBN 976-604-067-2 |
JS 217 : 1994 |
Jamaica national building code, Volume 2: Energy efficiency building code, requirements and guidelines The first volume to be published in a series of building standards appropriate to the Jamaican climate, building designs and construction practices. The Energy Efficiency Building Code reflects the current state of the art in international practice, ensuring that new buildings benefit fully from current concepts and technologies. |
JS 286: 2000 |
Aggregates for bituminous mixtures Applies to crushed stone, crushed gravel and natural or manufactured sand intended for use in bituminous paving mixtures. Mandatory. ISBN 976-604-389-2 |
JS 268: 2010 (Affirmed 2017)
Bituminous materials This standard specifies the requirements for penetration grade bitumens, cut-back bitumens and emulsified bitumens. This standard excludes requirements for bituminous paving mixtures. ISBN 978-976-604-747-4 |
JS 296: 2004
Hot-dip zinc and hot-dip aluminium/zinc profile steel sheets for roofing Specifies both hot-dip zinc coated and hot-dip aluminium/zinc coated profiled steel sheets in various lengths, widths, profiles and coating masses. Mandatory. ISBN 976-604-427-9
JS 301: 2013
Blended hydraulic cements Gives specifications for two classes of blended hydraulic cements for both general and specific applications, produced by blending blast furnace slag or pozzolan with Portland cement or Portland cement clinker. Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-580-7. |
JS 302: 2008
Chemical test methods for hydraulic cements Describes the reference procedures and, in certain cases, an alternative method which can be considered as giving equivalent results. In the case of dispute, only the reference procedures are used. Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-449-7 |
JS 303: 2008
Physical test methods for hydraulic cements Specifies methods for the physical testing of hydraulic cements. Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-450-3
JS 304: 2008
Quality management requirements for manufacturers, processors and packers of cement. Sets out the requirements for the quality management system that shall be implemented by all organizations manufacturing, packaging, or involved in any processing of cement for sale in Jamaica (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Organization’). Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-449-7 |
JS 306 : 2009 (2017) |
Application document for the International Building Code Requirements constitute the Jamaica Application Document for the International Building Code (IBC) which together with the IBC are now referred to as the engineered Building Code of Jamaica. ISBN 978-976-604-456-5
JS 307: 2009 |
Application document for the International Plumbing Code Applies to the erection, installation, alteration, repairs, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of plumbing systems within this jurisdiction. ISBN 978-976-604-462-6
JS 308: 2009 (2016) |
Application document for the International Property Maintenance Code Applies to all matters affecting or relating to structures and premises. ISBN 978-976-604-461-9
JS 309 : 2009 |
Application document for the International Energy Conservation Code Covers energy saving in the Low Rise Residential Sector for the first time in Jamaica and provides three approaches for designing energy efficient buildings in this Sector: ISBN 978-976-604-462-6
JS 310 : 2009 (2016) |
Application document for the International Existing Building Code Outlines the approach to be used to address the rehabilitation and restoration of existing buildings. ISBN 978-976-604-459-6
JS 311 : 2009 |
Application document for the International Private Sewage Disposal Code Covers requirements for sewage systems that are not available to be connected or become a part of the public sewage system. ISBN 978-976-604-458-9
JS 312: 2009
Application document for the International Mechanical Code Regulates the design, installation, maintenance, alteration and inspection of mechanical systems that are permanently installed and utilized to provide control of environmental conditions and related processes within buildings. ISBN 978-976-604-460-2
JS 313: 2009 (2016)
Application document for the International Fuel Gas Code Helps designers and installers select the equipment that will best satisfy the performance needs of their clients as well as provide the requisite safety and health conditions required. ISBN 978-976-604-457-2
JS 314: 2009
Application document for the International Fire Code Outlines minimum standards for operating the range of buildings types, with their varying degree to fire susceptibility, in order to minimize the likelihood of fires. ISBN 978-976-604-455-8 |
JS 315: 2009 |
Small building code and Jamaica Application document for the International Residential Code Applies to the construction, alteration, movement, enlargement, replacement, repair, equipment, use and occupancy, location, removal, and demolition of the following building types having total floor area up to 300m² (3,000ft²) :
ISBN 978-976-604-449-7 |
JS 316: 2009 |
Application document for the International Code Council Electrical Administrative Provisions and National Electrical Code Regulates the design, construction, installation, alteration, repairs, relocation, replacement, addition to, use or maintenance of electrical systems and equipment. ISBN 978-976-604-453-4 |
JS 320 : 2012 |
(Performance-based) for General purpose hydraulic cements Specifies the physical performance requirements for hydraulic cements for general purpose applications. There are no restrictions on the chemical composition of the cements. Where cement types are governed by existing standards, the specific standards shall be applicable. Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-509-8 |
JS 329 : 2014 |
Concrete kerb units — Requirements and test methods Specifies materials, properties, requirements and test methods for unreinforced, cement bound precast concrete kerb units that are for use in trafficked paved areas. The units are used to fulfill one or more of the following: Separation, physical or visual delineation, the provision of drainage or the containment of paved areas or other surfacing. This standard provides for the product marking with guidance on factory production control. Apart from the tolerances, this standard does not include requirements for cross-sections, shapes and dimensions. This standard does not deal with the tactility or visibility of kerbs. Mandatory ISBN 978-976-604-595-1 |
JS ASTM F 1043 – 2014 |
Strength and Protective Coatings on Steel Industrial Fence FrameworkCovers the strength and protective coating requirements for industrial steel fence framework. The intended use is for all types of fence, including but not limited to, chain link, expanded metal, wire mesh both welded and woven, PVC and wood.ISBN 978-976-604-651-4 |
JS ASTM F1083− 2013 |
Pipe, Steel, Hot-Dipped Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Welded for Fence Structures Covers hot-dipped galvanized welded steel pipe in sizes ranging from 1.315–8.625 in. (33.4 – 219.1 mm) outside diameter (OD) inclusive, with nominal (average) wall thickness as given in Table 1 and Table 2.ISBN 978-976-604-650-7 |
JS ISO 10545-1: 2014 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 1: Sampling and basis for acceptanceSpecifies rules for batching, sampling, inspection and acceptance/rejection of ceramic tiles. ISBN 978-976-604-638-5 |
JS ISO 10545-2: 2000 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 2: Determination of dimensions and surface quality Specifies methods for determining the dimensional characteristics (length, width, thickness, straightness of sides, rectangularity, surface flatness) and the surface quality of ceramic tiles. ISBN 976-604-370-1 |
JS ISO 10545-3: 2000 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 3: Determination of water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk density Specifies two methods for determining water absorption, apparent porosity, apparent relative density and bulk density of ceramic tiles. ISBN 976-604-371-X |
JS ISO 10545-4: 2014 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 4: Determination of modulus of rupture and breaking strength Specifies a test method for determining the modulus of rupture and breaking strength of all ceramic tiles. ISBN 978-976-604-639-2 |
JS ISO 10545-5: 2000 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 5: Determination of impact resistance by measurement of coefficient of restitution Specifies a test method for determining the impact resistance of ceramic tiles by measuring the coefficient of restitution. ISBN 976-604-373-6 |
JS ISO 10545-7: 2000 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 7: Determination of resistance to surface abrasion for glazed tiles Specifies a method for determining the resistance to surface abrasion of all glazed ceramic tiles used for floor covering. ISBN 976-604-375-2 |
JS ISO 10545-8: 2014 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 8: Determination of linear thermal expansion Defines a test method for determining the coefficient of linear thermal expansion of ceramic tiles. ISBN 978-976-604-640-8 |
JS ISO 10545-10: 2000 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 10: Determination of moisture expansion Specifies a method for determining the moisture expansion of ceramic tiles. ISBN 976-604-378-7 |
JS ISO 10545-11: 2000 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 11: Determination of crazing resistance for glazed tiles Defines a test method for determining the crazing resistance of all glazed ceramic tiles except when the crazing is an inherent decorative feature of the product. ISBN 976-604-379-5 |
JS ISO 10545-12: 2000 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 12: Determination of frost resistance Specifies a method for determining the frost resistance of all ceramic tiles intended for use in freezing conditions in the presence of water. ISBN 976-604-380-9 |
JS ISO 10545-13: 2000 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 13: Determination of chemical resistance Specifies a test method for determining the chemical resistance of ceramic tiles at room temperature. This method is applicable to all types of ceramic tiles. ISBN 976-604-381-7 |
JS ISO 10545-14: 2000 |
Ceramic tiles. Part 14: Determination of resistance to stains Specifies a method for determining the resistance to stains of the proper surface of ceramic tiles. ISBN 976-604-382-5 |
JS ISO 10545-15: 2000 |
Determination of lead and cadmium given off by glazed tiles Specifies a method for the determination of lead and cadmium given off by the glaze of ceramic tiles. ISBN 976-604-383-3 |
JS ISO 10545-16: 2000 |
Determination of small colour differences Describes a method for utilizing colour-measuring instruments for quantifying the small colour differences between plain coloured glazed ceramic tiles, which are designed to be of uniform and consistent colour. It permits the specification of a maximum acceptable value which depends only on the closeness of match and not on the nature of the colour difference. Colour variations produced for artistic purposes are not covered in this part of JS ISO 10545. ISBN 976-604-384-1 |
JS ISO 13153: 2012 |
Framework of the design process for energy-saving single-family residential and small commercial buildings Specifies a framework of the design process for energy-saving single-family residential and small commercial buildings, with the energy consumption ratio as the key criterion. It is intended to assist in the development of design guidelines for practitioners who design energy-related parts of buildings. This International Standard is applicable only to the design process for single-family residential and small commercial buildings. ISBN 978-976-604-536-4
JS ISO 16813:2006 |
Building environment design - Indoor environment - General principles Establishes the general principles of building environment design taking into account healthy indoor environment for the occupants, and protecting the environment for future generations. This International Standard promotes an approach in which the various parties involved in building environmental design collaborate with one another to provide a sustainable building environment. The unique features of the design process are articulated by the following aims: to provide the constraints concerning sustainability issues from the initial stage of the design process, including building and plant life cycle together with owning and operating costs to be considered at all stages in the design process; to assess the proposed design with rational criteria for indoor air quality, thermal comfort, acoustical comfort, visual comfort, energy efficiency and HVAC system controls at every stage of the design process; to make iterations between decisions and evaluations of the design throughout the design process. The building environment design involves not only architectural design associated with environmental quality but also environmental system design associated with effective controls. This International Standard is applicable to building environment design for new construction and the retrofit of existing buildings. ISBN 978-976-604-560-9
JS ISO 16818: 2008 |
Building environment design - Energy efficiency – Terminology Gives terms and definitions for use in the design of energy-efficient buildings. This International Standard is applicable to new buildings and retrofitted existing buildings. ISBN 978-976-604-538-8 |
JS ISO 21931-1: 2010 |
Sustainability in building construction — Framework for methods of assessment of the environmental performance of construction works — Part 1: Buildings Provides a general framework for improving the quality and comparability of methods for assessing the environmental performance of buildings and their related external works. It identifies and describes issues to be taken into account in the development and use of methods of assessment of the environmental performance for new or existing buildings related to their design, construction, operation, maintenance and refurbishment, and in the deconstruction stages. ISBN 978-976-604-539-5 |
JS ISO 23045: 2008 |
Building environment design - Guidelines to assess gives guidelines related to energy efficiency in buildings as introduced in ISO efficiency of new buildings The objectives of this International Standard are to assist designers and practitioners when collecting and providing the useful data that are required at different stages of the design process and to fulfil the definitions of the building as prepared by building designers. This International Standard applies to new buildings and is applicable to space air-conditioning equipment and the heating plant in new buildings. ISBN 978-976-604-541-8
JS 1SO 50001 : 2011 |
Energy management systems — Requirements with guidance for use Specifies requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system, whose purpose is to enable an organization to follow a systematic approaching achieving continual improvement of energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy use and consumption. ISBN 978-976-604-533-3 |
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