Chapter-1: Animal Feeds |
JS 71: 1999 (2017) |
Animal feeds (general) Sets out requirements for labeling, packaging, sampling, and analysis of animal feeds whether pre-packed or sold in bulk. Read in conjunction with JS 1: Parts 1 and 8. Mandatory. ISBN 976-604-297- 7 |
JS 117: 1984 (1994) (2017) |
Milk Replacers Sets out minimum requirements for milk replacers fed to ruminants and other livestock species. Read in conjunction with JS 1: Part 8 and JS 71. Mandatory. ISBN 976-604-018-4 |
JS 118: 1999 (2017) |
Poultry rations Prescribes minimum nutrient requirements for animal feeds fed to poultry. Read in conjunction with JS 1: Part 8 and JS 71. Mandatory. ISBN 976-604-023-0 |
JS 119: 1999 (2017) |
Swine starter rations Sets out minimum requirements for animal feed fed to swine starters. Read in conjunction with JS 1: Part 8 and JS 71. Mandatory. ISBN 976-604-280-2 |
JS 120: 1999 (2017) |
Ruminant starter rations Sets out minimum requirements for animal feeds fed to starter ruminants (cattle, sheep and goats). Read in conjunction with JS 1: Part 8 and JS 71. Mandatory ISBN 976-604-301-9
JS 121: 2000 |
Swine rations other than starters Sets out minimum requirements for animal feeds fed to swine other than pre-starter and starter rations. Read in conjunction with JS 1: Part 8 and JS 71. ISBN 976-604-356-6 |
JS 122: 1997 |
Ruminant rations other than starters Specifies nutrient requirements for animal feeds fed to ruminants other than starters. Read in conjunction with JS 1: Part 8 and JS 71. ISBN 976-604-310-8 |
JS 147: 1999 |
General method for the detection of Salmonellae in food and animal feed Gives general guidelines for the detection of Salmonellae in products intended for human consumption or feeding of animals. ISBN 976-604-608-0 |
JS 278: 2000 (2017)
Puppy rations Sets out the minimum requirements for puppies and shall be read in conjunction with JS 1: Part 8 and JS 71 ISBN 976 604- 353 -1 |
JS 305 : 2009 |
Proprietary dairy cattle starter and milk productions rations Sets out minimum requirements for starter and milk rations fed to dairy cattle and shall be read in conjunction with JS 1: Part 8 and JS 71. ISBN 978-976-604-467-1
JS ISO 5506: 1988 |
Method of test for soya bean products – Determination of urease activity Provides a standard method of test for the determination of urease activity in animal feeds. Allows for easier comparison and efficiency of results. ISBN 976-604-261-6 |
JS ISO 5984 : 2002 |
Determination of crude —Method of test for Animal feeding stuffs ash Specifies a method for the determination of crude ash of animal feeding stuffs. ISBN 978-976-604-522-7
JS ISO 5985 : 2002 |
Determination of ash insoluble in hydrochloric —Method of Test for Animal feeding stuffs acid Specifies two procedures for animal feeding stuffs for the determination of the ash which is insoluble in hydrochloric acid. The applicable procedure depends on the nature of the sample. a) Procedure A is applicable to simple organic animal feeding stuffs and to compound feeding stuffs (except those mentioned under procedure B). b) Procedure B is applicable to minerals, mineral mixtures and compound feeding stuffs of which the ash insoluble in hydrochloric acid exceeds 1 % (mass fraction), as determined by procedure A. ISBN 978-976-604-523-4 |
JS ISO 6490-1: 1985 |
Method of test for Animal feeding stuffs – Determination of calcium content. Part 1: Titrimetric method Provides a standard method of test for the determination of calcium content in animal feeds using the titrimetric method. Allows for easier comparison and efficiency of results. ISBN 976-604-230-6 |
JS ISO 6491 : 1998 |
Spectrometric — Determination of phosphorus content —Method of test for Animal feeding stuffs method Specifies a spectrometric method for the determination of the phosphorus content of animal feeding stuffs.The method is applicable to animal feeding stuffs with a phosphorus content less than 50 g/kg. It is particularly appropriate for the analysis of products with low phosphorus content. For products with higher phosphorus content, application of a gravimetric method is advised, using for instance quinoline phosphomolybdate. ISBN 978-976-604-524-1
JS ISO 6495 : 1999 |
Determination of water-soluble chlorides —Method of test for Animal feeding stuffs content Specifies a method for the determination of the water-soluble chlorides content, expressed as sodium chloride, of animal feeding stuffs. The method is applicable to animal feeding stuffs. ISBN 978-976-604-525-8 |
JS ISO 6496 : 1999 |
Determination of moisture and other volatile matter —Method of test for Animal feeding stuffs content Specifies a method for the determination of the moisture and other volatile matter content of animal feeding stuffs. The method is applicable to animal feeding stuffs with the exception of: a) milk products; b) mineral substances; c) mixtures containing a considerable amount of milk products or mineral substances, for example milk replacers; d) animal feeding stuffs containing humectants (e.g. propylene glycol); ISBN 978-976-604-526-5 |
JS ISO 6498 : 2012 |
Guidelines for sample — Method of test for Animal feeding stuffs preparation Specifies guidelines for the preparation of test samples from laboratory samples of animal feeding stuffs, including pet foods. ISBN 978-976-604-527-2 |
JS ISO 6654: 1991 |
Method of test for Animal feeding stuffs – Determination of urea content Provides a standard method of test for the determination of urea content in animal feeds. Allows for easier comparison and efficiency of results. ISBN 976-604-232-2 |
JS ISO 6866: 1985 |
Method of test for animal feeding stuffs – Determination of free and total gossypol Provides a standard method of test for the determination of free and total gossypol content in animal feeds. Allows for easier comparison and efficiency of results. ISBN 976-604-236-5 |
JS CRS 29: 2011 |
Poultry feed and feed ingredients Establishes specifications for nutrient requirements in the rations fed to poultry. It provides guidance on good manufacturing practices for the production of poultry feeds and good on-farm feeding practices. It applies to the production and use of all materials designed for poultry feed and feed ingredients at all levels, whether produced industrially or on farm. Mandatory ISBN 978-976-604-655-2. |
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