JS 0: 2000

Guide for the presentation of Jamaican standards

Specifies requirements for the general presentation and arrangement of the contents of a Jamaican Standard, and for the preparation of draft standards.


      JS 69: 1989 


Provides adequate guidance for manufacturers of non-electronic toothbrushes to ensure the highest quality product for the consumer. Contains additional definitions, modification to the dimensions of the toothbrush and materials used in manufacture as well as changes to the configuration of the brush. Not applicable to special purpose treatment brushes.

ISBN 976-604-073-7

      JS 70: 1999

Metric practice

Includes information on SI, a list of non-SI units recognized for use with SI units, together with general guidance on proper style and usage. It is intended to be used as a guide for the application of the modernized metric system in Jamaica. 

ISBN 976-604-288-9

  JS 90: 1983

Safety of toys and playthings

Applies to the safety aspects of toys and playthings intended specifically for children.  Covers packaging, labelling, inspection and test procedures. 

Read in conjunction with JS 1: Part 9. 


ISBN 976-604-000-1

JS 176: 1989

Sanitary pads

Details requirements for sanitary pads manufactured from absorbent cellulose filler with a non-woven fabric cover.  It covers pads with full length or short length tabs and maternity pads, the latter having an adhesive backing for positioning.

ISBN 976-604-095-8

JS 324 : 2013

Guide for Public behavior

Provides guidance to Jamaican citizens, students, and workers on:

  • concepts, terms, and definitions relating to public behaviour;
  • the background, developments, and characteristics of public behaviour; and
  • principles and practices relating to public behaviour.  

ISBN 978-976-604-566-1

JS 327 : 2014

Blood banks and transfusion services

Outlines the specific requirements for the national blood banks and transfusion services.   Mandatory. ISBN 978-976-604-575-3

JS 332 : 2015

Rotational moulded polyethylene water storage tanks

Specifies requirements for the design and manufacture of flat-bottom, upright, cylindrical tanks moulded in one-piece seamless construction by rotational moulding from polyethylene for above ground, vertical installation. Included are requirements for materials, design, fittings, quality of finish, performance, sampling and testing, labelling and markings, shipping, handling, storage and transportation and installation. ISBN 978-976-604-635-4

JS 333: 2015

Bamboo charcoal for air purification

Specifies the definitions, requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging, labelling, transportation, and storage of bamboo charcoal for air-purification. This Standard is applicable to bamboo charcoal that purifies formaldehyde, benzene, total volatile organic gas (TVOC), and other harmful gases in the air. It is not applicable to bamboo charcoal for air-purification through special processing, such as various modified bamboo charcoal. ISBN 978-976-604-646-0.

JS ASTM D2240-13

Standard Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer Hardness1

Covers twelve types of rubber hardness measurement devices known as durometers: Types A, B, C, D,DO, E, M, O, OO, OOO, OOO-S, and R. The procedure for determining indentation hardness of substances classified as thermoplastic elastomers, vulcanized (thermoset) rubber, elastomeric materials, cellular materials, gel-like materials, and some plastics is also described.

ISBN 978-976-604-630-9

  JS CRS 33: 2010

Polyethylene  garbage bags – high density

Specifies requirements for high density polyethylene garbage bags which are normally used for the disposal of domestic and commercial waste. It includes requirements and test methods for impact resistance, bag dimensions, burst resistance, heat seal integrity and leakage.

ISBN 978-976-604-492-3

      JS ISO 1496-1:2013

Series 1 freight containers —Specification and testing— Part 1: General cargo containers for general purposes

Specifies the basic specifications and testing requirements for ISO series 1freight containers of the totally enclosed general purpose types and certain specific purpose types(closed, vented, ventilated or open top) which are suitable for international exchange and for conveyance by road, rail and sea, including interchange between these forms of transport.

ISBN 978-976-604-642-2.

    JS ISO 668: 2013

Series 1 freight containers - Classification, dimensions and ratings

Establishes a classification of series 1 freight containers based on external dimensions, and specifies the associated ratings and, where appropriate, the minimum internal and door opening dimensions for certain types of containers. These containers are intended for intercontinental traffic.

ISBN 978-976-604-677-4

   JS ISO 830:1999

Freight containers — Vocabulary

Presents definitions of terms relating to freight containers

ISBN 978-976-604-678-1

    ISO 3797:1976

Shipbuilding - Vertical steel ladders

Specifies the main dimensions and characteristics for vertical steel ladders to be fitted on board ships in small holds, between deck spaces, on masts, kingposts, trunks deck-house tops, maintenance platforms and for similar applications.

ISBN 978-976-604-680-4

    JS ISO 3874:1997

Series 1 freight containers — Handling and securing

Specifies methods of handling and securing series 1 freight containers built and tested to comply with the latest editions of ISO 1496-1 to ISO 1496-5.

ISBN 978-976-604-679-8

   JS ISO 6346:1995

Freight containers - Coding, identification and marking

Provides a system for the identification and presentation of information about freight containers.  ISBN 978-976-604-641-5

    JS ISO 8468:2007

Ship's bridge layout and associated equipment — Requirements and guidelines

Specifies the functional requirements for bridge configuration, bridge arrangement, bridge workstations and bridge environment. Guidelines have been drawn up for the methods and solutions to meet the functional requirements. The requirements in this International Standard apply to all bridge functions.

ISBN 978-976-604-681-8

     JS ISO 10393: 2017

Jamaican Standard Specification for

Consumer product recall —  Guidelines for suppliers

This international standard provides practical guidance to suppliers on consumer product recalls and other corrective actions after the product has left the manufacturing facility. Other corrective actions include, but are not limited to, refunds, retrofit, repair, replacement, disposal and public notification. This international standard is intended to apply to consumer products, but might also be applicable to other sectors.

ISBN 978-976-604-836-5

JS ISO TS 14265 :  2011

Health informatics — Classification of purposes for processing personal health information

Defines a set of high-level categories of purposes for which personal health information can be processed, i.e. collected, used, stored, accessed, analysed, created, linked, communicated, disclosed or retained. This is in order to provide a framework for classifying the various specific purposes that can be defined and used by individual policy domains (e.g. healthcare organizations, regional health authorities, jurisdictions, countries) as an aid to the consistent management of information in the delivery of health care services and for the communication of electronic health records across organizational and jurisdictional boundaries.

 ISBN 978-976-604-589-0

JS ISO 15489-1 : 2004 (2017)

Information and documentation  - Records management –Part 1 : Concepts and Principles

This part of ISO 15489 defines the concepts and principles from which approaches to the creation, capture and management of records are developed. This part of ISO 15489 describes concepts and principles relating to the following:

a) records, metadata for records and records systems;

b) policies, assigned responsibilities, monitoring and training supporting the effective management of records;

c) recurrent analysis of business context and the identification of records requirements:

d) records control

e) process of creating, capturing and managing records.

This part of ISO 15489 applies to the creation, capture and management of records regardless of

structure or form, in all types of business and technological environments, over time.


JS ISO 23601: 2009

Safety identification — Escape and evacuation plan signs

Establishes design principles for displayed escape plans that contain information relevant to fire safety, escape, auction and rescue of the facility's occupants. These plans may also be used by intervention forces in case of emergency. These plans are intended to be displayed as signs in public areas and workplaces. ISBN 978-976-604-568-5

JS ISO 26000 : 2010

Guidance on social responsibility

Provides guidance to all types of organizations, regardless of their size or location,


a) concepts, terms and definitions related to social responsibility;

b) the background, trends and characteristics of social responsibility;

c) principles and practices relating to social responsibility;

d) the core subjects and issues of social responsibility;

e) integrating, implementing and promoting socially responsible behaviour throughout the organization and,

through its policies and practices, within its sphere of influence;

f) identifying and engaging with stakeholders; and

g) communicating commitments, performance and other information related to social responsibility

ISBN 978-976-604-532-6

JS ISO 29990: 2010

Learning services for non-formal education and training — Basic requirements for service providers

Specifies basic requirements for providers of learning services in non-formal education and training. ISBN 978-976-604-567-8

 JS ISO 39001: 2012

Road traffic safety (RTS) management systems —

Requirements with guidance for use

Specifies requirements for a road traffic safety (RTS) management system to enable an organization that interacts with the road traffic system to reduce death and serious injuries related to road traffic crashes which it can influence. The requirements in this International Standard include development and implementation of an appropriate RTS policy, development of RTS objectives and action plans, which take into account legal and other requirements to which the organization subscribes, and information about elements and criteria related to RTS that the organization identifies as those which it can control and those which it can influence.

This International Standard is applicable to any organization, regardless of type, size and product or service provided, that wishes to:

a) improve RTS performance,

b) establish, implement, maintain and improve an RTS management system,

c) assure itself of conformity with its stated RTS policy, and

 d) demonstrate conformity with this International Standard.

ISBN 978-976-604-688-0


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