JS 5: 1971 |
Method for the determination of the width of woven or knitted fabrics when relaxed at zero tension Specifies requirements for determining the width of woven and knitted fabrics. Does not apply to fabrics that contain rubber and synthetic elastomeric threads or those that extend or relax appreciably when subjected to handling or cyclic changes in relative humidity. Read in conjunction with JS ISO 6348 and JS ISO 6741-1. |
JS 6: 1971 |
Method for the determination of the length of woven or knitted fabrics when relaxed at zero tension Specifies requirements for determining the length of woven and knitted fabrics. Does not apply to fabrics that contain rubber and synthetic elastomeric threads or those that extend or relax appreciably when subjected to handling or cyclic changes in relative humidity. Read in conjunction with JS ISO 6348 and JS ISO 6741-1. |
JS 11: 1971 |
Methods for the determination of stiffness of cloth Describes a method for determining the bending length and flexural rigidity of textile fabrics by means of a fixed angle fleximeter. Not applicable to fabrics that curl or twist badly when cut into small pieces nor those that show a noticeable time effect when allowed to bend under their own weight. Read in conjunction with JS ISO 3801. |
JS 12: 1971 |
Methods for the analysis of woven fabric construction Details methods for recording fabric weaves and determining the (a) number of threads per inch in woven fabrics (b) crimp of yarn in cloth (c) twist in yarn (d) count of yarn removed from fabrics, free from added matter (e) weights of the warp and the weft threads per unit area of cloth. Read in conjunction with JS ISO 6348 and JS ISO 6741-1 and JS 15. |
JS 13: 1971 |
Method for the ballistic tear testing of woven fabrics Provides a ballistic method of measuring tearing force of woven fabrics in which a tear will proceed from an initial cut in a direction parallel to the warp or weft threads. Read in conjunction with JS ISO 6348 and JS ISO 6741-1. |
JS 14: 1971 |
Methods of testing the strength of yarns from packages. Determination of breaking load and extension Determines the breaking load and breaking extensions of yarns from packages. Procedures are included for specimens conditioned in the atmosphere for testing as well as in the wet state. Read in conjunction with JS ISO 6348 and JS ISO 6741-1. |
JS 15: 1971 |
Yarn count systems and their conversions Details the direct and indirect systems of designating yarn count and the interconversion within and between each system. |
JS 16: 1971 |
Methods for the measurement of distortion in bowed and skewed fabrics Specifies methods for measuring distortion in terms of bow and skew in woven textile fabrics. Tolerance on the magnitude of the defect is not included. |
JS 17: 1971 |
Method for determining the fluidity of cotton, rayons and cellulose acetate in cuprammonium hydroxide solution Describes the preparation of the standard cuprammonium solvent. Details the use of the viscometer in the measurements of the fluidity of solutions of cotton, rayon and cellulose acetate. |
JS 18: 1971 |
Method for the determination of trash content of cotton and waste Details the use of the Shirley Analyzer to separate trash from the lint by utilizing the difference in the buoyancies in air. Method primarily intended for spinners. Although absolute separation is not practicable, the procedure is devised to attain as complete a separation as possible with the type of material normally encountered in cotton spinning. Read in conjunction with JS ISO 6348 and JS ISO 6741-1. |
JS 40: 1975 |
Glossary of terms relating to textiles and clothing Defines terms used in the textile industry and can be used as a basic dictionary for manufacturers, traders and consumers. |
JS 46: 1976 |
Cotton thread Applies to cotton sewing thread, unbleached, bleached, and dyed, treated or untreated, for use in high-speed sewing machines and for hand sewing. Read in conjunction with JS 14. |
JS 49: 1976 |
Sizing of men’s and boys’ underwear Establishes a range of size fittings and minimum measurements for boys’ and men’s ready-made underwear made from circular knitted cotton, cotton blend cloths and woven materials. Underwear includes ‘T’ shirts (undershirts), vests, elastic top briefs and boxer shorts. |
JS 53: 1977
The sizing of industrial uniforms Details the size designations and minimum measurements of all types of ready-made industrial uniforms including lab coats, overalls and aprons. This is applicable to garments sold over the counter whether locally made or imported but not custom made articles. |
JS 54: 1977 |
Method for the determination of dimensional stability of warp-knitted and woven fabrics made from nylon 6.6 (boiling water test) Describes a method of test for the determination of the stability of warp-knitted and woven fabrics made from continuous-filament nylon 6.6 yarn. Not suitable for the determination of the dimensional stability of these fabrics to washing. Read in conjunction with JS ISO 6348 and JS ISO 6741-1. |
JS 56: 1977 |
Definitions of terms relating to zippers Defines terms relating to zippers having individual interlocking elements only. Illustrations are given. |
JS 57: 1977 |
Polyester thread (continuous multifilament) Details the classification, general and detailed requirements, sampling and labelling of continuous multifilament polyester sewing thread used for machine and hand sewing. Read in conjunction with JS 14. |
JS 58: 1997 |
Method for the determination of the seam slippage of woven fabrics Describes a method of determining the liability to slippage of woven fabrics at stitched seams. Applies to apparel, household furnishing and upholstery fabrics but not to industrial fabrics, e.g. belting. |
JS 64: 1977 |
Manufacture of boys’ and girls’ school clothing Prescribes minimum standards of manufacture for boys’ and girls’ school clothing considered to be essential for the production of durable and serviceable garments. |
JS 65: 1977 |
Nylon thread (continuous multifilament) Details the manufacturing, sampling and labelling requirements for continuous multifilament nylon thread. |
JS 66: 2000 |
Silk thread Specifies requirements for silk threads used for hand or machine sewing. Outlines requirements for silk threads of machine twist, button hole twist, hand sewing and embroidery classifications. ISBN 976-604-316-7 |
JS 67: 1977 |
Linen thread Includes detailed requirements and tests for sulphur content and non-fibrous material content of linen thread. |
JS 68: 1978 |
Measuring zipper dimensions Describes procedures for measuring (a) Thickness, flatness, straightness and width of zipper chain (b) length of zipper or parts (c) longitudinal shrinkage, and (d) tape width of all types and sizes of zippers. Read in conjunction with JS ISO 6348 and JS ISO 6741-1 and JS 56. |
JS 79: 1981 |
Method of test for flameproof materials Prescribes a method of test for determining whether or not a material is flameproof. It applies to all materials which are in the form of flat flexible sheets or can, by cutting, be converted into flat sheets. Read in conjunction with JS 80, JS 81 and JS 82. |
JS 80: 1981 |
The performance requirements of flameproof materials for clothing and other purposes Specifies the performance requirements and marking of flameproof materials. Two types of flameproofness are dealt with - durable and inherent. Read in conjunction with JS 79 and JS 81. |
JS 81: 1981 |
Methods of test for the flammability of fabrics Describes two methods of test for determining the flammability of textiles and for expressing their flame-resistance properties by numerical ratings. It applies to fabrics, of all constructions, which are in the form of flat sheets or may, by cutting be converted into flat sheets. These methods are not intended for the assessment of flameproof fabrics for industrial use. |
JS 82: 1981 |
Performance requirements of fabrics described as of low flammability Details a method of test and labelling requirements for textile fabrics described as of low flammability. Read in conjunction with JS 81. |
JS 83: 1982 |
Cloth: denim, cotton Sets out general, detailed requirements for cotton and denim materials. Read in conjunction with JS 1: Part 1 and relevant sections of the JS ISO 105 series. |
JS 113: 1985 |
Expanded vinyl coated fabrics for upholstery Specifies general and detailed requirements for coated fabrics manufactured primarily for upholstery use by applying a continuous coating of PVC to one side of a knitted cloth. ISBN 976-604-005-2 |
JS 159: 1994 |
Guide to the assessment of garment quality Provides a guide for inspectors examining the quality of coats, dresses, skirts, trousers, pants, shorts, shirts, blouses and pyjamas. ISBN 976-604-081-8 |
JS 169: 1988 |
Towel: cotton, turkish Specifies the requirements for the cotton turkish towels. ISBN 976-604-096-6 |
JS 285: 2000 |
Designation of ticket numbers of industrial sewing threadsMethod for designation of ticket numbering of industrial sewing threads. It covers sewing threads made wholly or in part from man-made fibres and sewing threads made from cotton. ISBN 976-604-387-6 |
JS 287: 2000 |
Fabrics from cellulosic fibres, synthetic fibres and blends Specifies minimum performance requirements for a range of woven knitted fabrics made from cellulosic fibres, synthetic fibres and blends of synthetic fibres with cellulosic fibres, suitable for the manufacture of uniforms and workwear garments. ISBN 976-604-317-5 |
JS 288: Part 1: 2000
Interlinings. Part 1: Nonwoven sew-in interlinings Specifies requirements for nonwoven sew-in interlinings for uniform clothing, for large users such as government departments, fire services, hospitals and local authorities. ISBN 976-604-349-3 |
JS 288: Part 2: 2000
Interlinings. Part 2: Nonwoven fusible interlinings Specifies requirements for nonwoven fusible interlinings for uniform clothing, for large users such as government departments, fire services, hospitals and local authorities. ISBN 976-604-348-5 |
JS 290: 2000 |
Industrial sewing threads made wholly or in partly from synthetic fibresSpecifies requirements for industrial sewing threads containing synthetic material. Deals with industrial synthetic sewing threads made from the following substrates and combination of substrates: continuous filament, fibre, air-jet textured polyester…etc. ISBN 976-604-400-7 |
JS 292: 2001 |
Industrial sewing threads made from linen (flax) or cottonSpecifies requirements for industrial sewing threads manufactured from the following substrates:.
ISBN 976-604-314-0 |
JS ISO 105-B01: 2014 |
Method of test for textiles – Tests for colour fastness: Colour fastness to light – Daylight Specifies a method intended for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of daylight. This method allows the use of two different sets of blue wool references. The results from the two different sets of references may not be identical. ISBN 978-976-604-636-1 |
JS ISO 105-B03: 1994 |
Method of test for textiles – Tests for colour fastness: Colour fastness to weathering - Outdoor exposure Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds except loose fibres to the action of weather as determined by outdoor exposure. ISBN 976-604-257-8 |
JS ISO 105-C01: 2001 |
Specifies test No.1 of a series of five washing test that Textiles – Tests for colour fastness: Colour fastness to washing - Test 1have been established to investigate the fastness to washing of coloured textiles and which between them cover the range of washing procedures from mild to severe. ISBN 976-604-390-6 |
JS ISO 105-D02: 1993 |
Method of test for textiles – Tests for colour fastness: Colour fastness to rubbing - Organic solvents Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms except loose fibre, to the combined action of rubbing and of organic solvents used in spot-cleaning. ISBN 976-604-259-4 |
JS ISO 105-E02: 2013 |
Textiles – Test for colour fastness – Part E02 : Colour fastness to sea water Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to immersion in sea water. ISBN 978-976-604-594-4
JS ISO 105-E08: 1994 |
Method of test for textiles – Tests for colour fastness: Colour fastness to hot water Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles to the action of hot water ISBN 976-604-274-8
JS ISO 105-E11: 1994
Method of test for textiles – Test for colour fastness: Colour fastness to steaming Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to the action of colour fastness to steaming. Replaces section 9 of JS 3. ISBN 976-604-276-4 |
JS ISO 105-N01: 1993
Method of test for textiles – Tests for colour fastness: Colour fastness to bleaching - Hypochlorite Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the colour of textiles to the action of bleaching. Replaces Section 28 of JS 3. ISBN 976-604-275-6 |
JS ISO 105-X05: 2001
Textiles – Tests for colour fastness, part X05: Colour fastness to organic solvents Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the Colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to organic solvents. ISBN 976-604-304-3 |
JS ISO 105-X11: 2001 |
Textiles – Tests for Colour fastness, part X11: Colour fastness to hot pressing Specifies a method for determining the resistance of the Colour of textiles of all kinds and in all forms to ironing and to processing on hot cylinders. ISBN 976-604-302-7 |
JS ISO 3801: 2000 |
Textiles: Woven fabrics – Determination of mass per unit length and mass per unit area Specifies methods for the determination of the mass per unit length and mass per unit area of woven fabrics that have been conditioned in the standard atmosphere for testing. Replaces JS 9. ISBN 976-604-318-3 |
JS ISO 6330 : 2012 |
Textiles — Domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing Specifies domestic washing and drying procedures for textile testing. The procedures are applicable to textile fabrics, garments or other textile articles which are subjected to appropriate combinations of domestic washing and drying procedures. This International Standard also specifies the reference detergents and ballasts for the procedures. ISBN 978-976-604-592-0 |
JS ISO 6348: 2000
Textiles – Determination of mass: Vocabulary Defines the principal terms relating to the quantification of the mass of water and extractable matter contained in a textile material. ISBN 976-604-322-1 |
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