Chapter-29: STARCHES

JS ISO 1666: 1996

Starch — Determination of moisture content —Oven -drying method

Specifies a method for the determination of the moisture content of starch using ovendrying at 130 OC under atmospheric pressure. The method is applicable to native or modified starch in the dry form.  In special circumstances, or example if the starch contains substances which are unstable at 130 OC, the method is not applicable.

ISBN 978-976-604-597-5.

JS ISO 1741 : 1980

Dextrose - Determination of loss in mass on drying -
Vacuum oven method

Specifies a vacuum oven method for the determination of the loss in mass on drying of dextrose. The method is applicable to anhydrous dextrose and to dextrose monohydrate. ISBN 978-976-604-599-9.

JS ISO 1742 : 1980

Glucose syrups – Determination of dry matter

Specifies a vacuum oven method for the determination sf the dry matter in glucose syrups, irrespective of their method of production.
The method is also applicable to dried glucose syrup, solid glucose (starch sugar), glucose syrup containing fructose (including is glucose as defined by the European Community)). ISBN 978-976-604-601-9

JS ISO 3188 : 1978

Starches and derived products - Determination of nitrogen
content by the Kjeldahl method - Titrimetric method

Specifies a titrimetric method for the determination, by the Kjeldahl method, of the nitrogen content of starch and its derived products whose presumed nitrogen content is greater than 0,Ol % (m/m) . ISBN 978-976-604-611-8.

JS ISO 3593 : 1981

Starch — Determination of ash

Specifies a method for the determination of the ash yielded by starches.
The method is applicable to native starches and to modified starches yielding not more than 2 % of ash. lt does not apply to hydrolysis products nor to oxidized starches, nor to other products containing more than 0,2 % of chloride expressed as
sodium chloride. In the other cases, use the method specified in ISO 5809.1)

ISBN 978-976-604-600-2.

JS ISO 3946 : 1982

Starches and derived products – Determination of total phosphorus content – Spectrophotometric method

Specifies a method for the determination of the total fat content of starches, native or modified, of which the expected total fat content is less than 1,5 % (m/m).

ISBN 978-976-604-606-4.

JS ISO 3947 : 1977

Starches, native or modified – Determination
of total fat content

Specifies a method for the determination of the total fat content of starches, native or modified, of which the expected total fat content is less than 1,5 % (m/m).

ISBN 978-976-604-606-4.

JS ISO 5377 : 1981

Starch hydrolysis products — Determination of reducing
power and dextrose equivalent — Lane and Eynon constant

Specifies a Lane and Eynon constant titre method for the determination of the reducing power and dextrose equivalent of all starch hydrolysis products.                                                                     ISBN 978-976-604-603-3.

JS ISO 5378: 1978

Starches and derived products — Determination of nitrogen content by the Kjeldahl method –Spectrophotometric method

Specifies a spectrophotometric method for the determination, by the Kjeldahl method, of the nitrogen content of starch and its derived products whose presumed nitrogen content is less than 0,025 % (m/m).  ISBN 978-976-604-605-7

JS ISO 5379: 2013

Starches and derived — Determination of sulfur dioxide content – Acidimetric method and nephelometric method

Specifies two methods - an acidimetric method and a nephelometric method - for the determination of the sulfur dioxide content of starches and derived products.

 ISBN 978-976-604-608-8

JS ISO 5381 : 1983

Starch hydrolysis products – Determination of water – Modified Karl Fischer method

Specifies a method for the determination of the water content of starch hydrolysis products.  ISBN 978-976-604-604-0

JS ISO 5809 : 1982

Starches and derived products — Determination of sulphate ash

Specifies a method for the determination of sulphated ash in starches and derived products. ISBN 978-976-604-607-1

JS ISO 5810 : 1982

Starches and derived products - Determination of
chloride content - Potentiometric method

Specifies a potentiometric method for the determination of the chloride content of starches and derived roducts, except cationic starches and amyloids soluble when cold, the viscosity of these being too high to allow for correct stirring when titrating.    

ISBN 978-976-604-610-1.

JS ISO 10504 : 1998

Starches and derived products — Determination of the
composition of glucose syrups, fructose syrups and
hydrogenated glucose syrups — Method using high performance
liquid chromatography

Specifies a polarimetric method for the determination of the starch
content of native starch, with the exception of starch with high amylose content.
It is not applicable to modified or pregelatinized (water-soluble) starch.

ISBN 978-976-604-598-2.

JS ISO 10520: 1977

Native Starch – Determination of starch content– Ewers polarimetic method

Specifies a polarimetric method for the determination of the starch
content of native starch, with the exception of starch with high amylose content.
It is not applicable to modified or pregelatinized (water-soluble) starch.

ISBN 978-976-604-598-2.

JS ISO 11212-1 : 1997

Starch and derived products — Heavy metals content —

Part 1:D etermination of arsenic content by atomic absorption spectrometry

Specifies a method for the determination of the arsenic content of starch, including derivatives and by-products, by atomic absorption spectrometry with hybride generation. The hybride generators currently available use very different techniques; it is thus impossible to propose a comprehensive method likely to ensure the attainment of satisfactory results on all types of apparatus. Each analyst should therefore optimize the conditions of use of his/her own apparatus on the basis of general or particular instructions. ISBN 978-976-604-612-5.

JS ISO 11212-2 : 1997

Starches and derived products — Heavy metals content – Part
2: Determination of mercury content by atomic absorption

Specifies a method for the determination of the mercury content of starch, including
derivatives and by-products, by atomic absorption spectrometry with cold-vapour generation. The cold-vapour generators currently available use very different techniques; it is thus impossible to propose comprehensive method likely to ensure the attainment of satisfactory results on all types of apparatus. Each analyst should therefore optimize the conditions of use of his/her own apparatus on the basis of general or particular
instructions. ISBN 978-976-604-613-2

JS ISO 11212-3 : 1997

Starch and derived products — Heavy metals content — Part 3:
Determination of lead content by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization

Specifies a method for the determination of the lead content of starch, including derivatives and by-products, by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization.The number of parameters for the procedure involved in the electrothermal atomization is far larger than in flame atomization; it is thus impossible to propose a comprehensive method likely to ensure the attainment of satisfactory
results on all types of apparatus currently available. Each analyst should therefore optimize the conditions of use of his/her own apparatus on the basis of general or particular instructions. ISBN 978-976-604-614-9.

JS ISO 11212-4 : 1997

Starch and derived products — Heavy metals content —Part 4:
Determination of cadmium content by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization

Specifies a method for the determination of the Cadmium content of starch, including
derivatives and by-products, by atomic absorption spectrometry with electrothermal atomization. The number of Parameters for the procedure involved in the electrothermal atomization is far larger than in flame atomization; it is thus impossible to propose a comprehensive method likely to ensure the attainment of satisfactory
results on all types of apparatus currently available. Each analyst should therefore optimize the conditions of use of his/her own apparatus on the basis of general or particular instructions.
ISBN 978-976-604-615-6.

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