JS ISO 22300: 2012

Societal security – Terminology

Contains terms and definitions applicable to societal security to establish a common understanding so that consistent terms are used. ISBN 978-976-604-643-9

JS ISO 22301: 2012

Societal security – Business continuity management systems –Requirements

Specifies requirements to plan, establish, implement, operate, monitor, review, maintain and continually improve a documented management system to protect against, reduce the likelihood of occurrence, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disruptive incidents when they arise.

The requirements specified in this International Standard are generic and intended to be applicable to all organizations or parts thereof, regardless of type, size and nature of the organization. The extent of application of these requirements depends on the organization’s operating environment and complexity. ISBN 978-976-604-644-6

JS ISO 22320: 2011

Societal security – Emergency Management – Requirements for incident response

Specifies minimum requirements for effective incident response and provides the basics for command and control, operational information, coordination and cooperation within an incident response organization. It includes command and control organizational structures and procedures, decision support, traceability, information management, and interoperability. It establishes requirements for operational information for incident response which specifies processes, systems of work, data capture and management in order to produce timely, relevant and accurate information. It supports the process of command and control as well as coordination and cooperation, internally within the organization and externally with other involved parties, and specifies requirements for coordination and cooperation between organizations.

ISBN 978-976-604-645-3.

JS ISO 28000: 2016

Jamaican Standard Specification for  Security management systems for the supply chain

This International Standard specifies the requirements for a security management system, including those aspects critical to security assurance of the supply chain. Security management is linked to many other aspects of business management. Aspects include all activities controlled or influenced by organizations that impact on supply chain security. These other aspects should be considered directly, where and when they have an impact on security management, including transporting these goods along the supply chain.

ISBN 9768-976-604-697-2

JS ISO 28001: 2016

Jamaican Standard Specification for Security management systems for the supply chain — Best practices for implementing supply chain security, assessments and plans — Requirements and guidance

This International Standard provides requirements and guidance for organizations in international supply chains to:

⎯ develop and implement supply chain security processes;

⎯ establish and document a minimum level of security within a supply chain(s) or segment of a supply chain;

⎯ assist in meeting the applicable authorized economic operator (AEO) criteria set forth in the World Customs Organization Framework of Standards and conforming national supply chain security programmes.

ISBN 978-976-604-698-9

JS ISO 28004-2: 2016

Jamaican Standard Specification for  Security management systems for the supply chain — Guidelines for the implementation of ISO 28000 — Part 2: Guidelines for adopting ISO 28000 for use in medium and small seaport operations

This part of ISO 28 004 identifies supply chain risk and threat scenarios, procedures for conducting risks/threat assessments, and evaluation criteria for measuring conformance and effectiveness of the documented security plans in accordance with ISO 28000 and the ISO 28004 series implementation guidelines. An output of this effort will be a level of confidence rating system based on the quality of the security management plans and procedures implemented by the seaport to safeguard the security and ensure continuity of operations of the supply chain cargo being processed by the seaport. The rating system will be used as a means of identifying a measureable level of confidence. (on a scale of 1to 5) that the seaport security are In conformance with ISO 28000 for protecting the integrity of the supply chain.

ISBN 978-976-604-700-9

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