
 Import Permit 

Responsible Agency       

Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries (Veterinary Services Division) 


193 Old Hope Road

Kingston 6


 (876) 977-2492,  876-977-2489  

Legal base of the Procedure

 The Trade Act


Required Information


Type of information



Applicant must first apply for the permit electronically   
2 E-Trade portal  


Process Steps

Step 1

Applicant  must apply for permit electronically 


Step 2

Supervisor Veterinary Permits examines application

Step 3

Application is placed on hold.


Step 4

Application on hold for dairy and controlled  goods printed and passed to Director of VSD 


Step 5

 Director sends application to Dairy Board 

Step 6  Dairy Board receives application  
Step 7  Director of Dairy Board considers and prepares letter of rejection or approval  
Step 8

Director of VSD receives letter from Dairy Board 

Step 9

Supervisor of Veterinary Permits receives letters and change status in e-trade 

Step 10

If application is rejected then:

i) Application is rejected in e-trade system

ii) Applicant receives rejection advice 

If  application is not rejected then:

i)  Application is a approved in e-trade system

ii) Importer will be advised about the import that will be allowed

iii) Importer receives advice about the imports that will be allowed 

Step 11

If the payment method is manual then: 

i) Importer makes payment at the office 

ii)Pay advice is prepared and given to importer 

iii) Pay advice is provided to importer 

iv) Importer  makes payment 

v) Cashier accepts payment and enters details in system

vi) System issues receipt 

vii) Receipt is received 

viii) Import Permit is printed 

ix) Importer presents receipt to VSD 

x) Import Permit is provided to importer 

xi) Import Permit is received 


If payment is made online then : 

i) Importer makes online payment 

ii) System issues receipt 

iii) Receipt is received 

iv) Import Permit is printed 

v) Importer presents receipt to VSD 

vi) Import Permit is provided to importer 

vii) Import Permit is received 



# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Import Permit for Dairy Products Veterinary Service Division Provisions under the Jamaican Dairy Development Board Act allows for you to apply for a permit or licence to import / export dairy products including and not limited to milk, cheese, condensed milk, evaporated milk, milk powder, dry milk, ice cream, malted milk and any other product manufactured wholly or mainly from milk and includes products that have more than 50% milk solids on a dry weight. Permit Requirement Veterinary Service Division Importers need to apply for a permit to dairy products from the Veterinary Service Division The Jamaica Dairy Development Board Act 9999-09-09 Good
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