
 Export Certificate

Responsible Agency       

Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries (Veterinary Services Division) 


193 Old Hope Road

Kingston 6


 (876) 977-2492876-977-2489  

Legal base of the Procedure

 The  Animals (Diseases and Importation) Act


Required Information


Type of information



Applicant must first be registered with JAMPRO  


Process Steps

Step 1

Exporter lodges application for export health certificate


Step 2

VSD verifies that application is from a registered facility

Step 3

If the application is deemed to be from a registered facility, move to step 4.

If the application is deemed to not be from a registered facility, the application is rejected and the Exporter notified.


Step 4

 VSD checks that application and supporting documentation is correct


Step 5

If the documentation is deemed to be correct, move on to step 6.

If the documentation is not correct, the exporter is requested to provide additional/correct documentation, after which, step 4 is repeated.

Step 6 

If laboratory testing IS REQUIRED, the application is passed to VSD laboratory for verification of batch conformity.

Step 7 If Batch testing is passed OR if laboratory testing was NOT required, then the results are reviewed by a supervising vetinary officer.    
Step 8

If the consignment DOES NOT meet the certificate requirements, the application is rejected and the exporter advised.

If the consignment meets the certificate requirements, the export health certificate is prepared

Step 9

 Pay advice is prepared and given to exporter

Step 10  Exporter makes payment to cashier.  
Step 11

Export health certificate is provided to exporter 


# Title Description Issued By File
# Name Description Measure Type Agency Comments Legal Document Validity To Measure Class
1 Certificate for the Exportation Non Fisheries Processed Goods (VSD) An Export Licence is required to export any goods out of Jamaica. An Export Licence should be sought prior to the exportation of any Non-Fisheries Processed Goods General Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries Apply to the VSD of MICAF in order to attain the appropriate export permit. Trade Act 9999-09-09 Good
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