NameLicence for Processing - Tier 2
DescriptionProcess ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes, including the manufacturing of ganja based products, in a space of over 200 square metres.
CommentsThe 2015 amendments to the Dangerous Drugs Act allows you to handle ganja for medical, scientific and therapeutic purposes under a licensing regime. The Regulations, therefore, allow for the ability to cultivate, transport, process, and sell ganja and ganja products under a regulated licensing regime that includes licences across several categories and types.
Validity From2015-01-01
Validity To9999-09-09
Technical Code
Measure TypeLicensing Requirement
AgencyCannabis Licensing Authority
Legal Document- The Food and Drugs Act
Is StandardNo
UN Code(not set)
Measure ClassGood
Created Datetime2018-12-01 17:27:57
Updated Datetime2018-12-01 17:27:57
# Procedure Name Description Category View Detail
1 Cannabis Licence - CLA A detailed guide on the processes taken by applicants to acquire a Cannabis Licence Procedure
# Title Description Issued By File
1 Application for License (Form-1A) to Cannabis Licensing Authority This Form is relevant to the application for License to Cannabis Licensing Authority Cannabis Licensing Authority PDF
2 Application for License (Form - 1B) to Cannabis Licensing Authority (Supplemental Information) This Form is relevant to the application for License to Cannabis Licensing Authority Cannabis Licensing Authority PDF
3 Application for Occupational License (Group) (Cannabis Licensing Authority [Form 2A]) This Form is relevant to the occupational application for License to Cannabis Licensing Authority Cannabis Licensing Authority PDF
# HS Code Description
1 5302100000 True hemp, raw or retted
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